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Last updated date:2023/4/5

Yokohama City Yakan Kyubyou Centers (Night-time Emergency Medical Centers) (hours: 8 p.m. to midnight, open every day)

You can visit these medical facilities if you or someone else suddenly falls sick between the hours of 8 p.m. and midnight. They are open every day.
Night-time Emergency Mediacal Centers...nimate.time Emergency Mediacal Centers如此(外部网站)

Holiday Emergency Clinics (Sundays, national holidays, period from December 30-January 3)

You can visit these medical facilities if you or someone else suddenly falls sick on Sundays, national holidays, or during the period from December 30-January 3.
Week Emergency cals如此求医国语支持(外部网站)(link to对我来说)

If you or someone else suddenly falls sick after midnight (internal medicine and pediatric departments, available every day)

You can visit these medical facilities if you or someone else suddenly falls sick after midnight. They are open every day. Please call before visiting. The available hospitals are as follows:
-Internal medicine departments: Ushioda General Hospital, Kikuna Memorial Hospital, Yokohama Shinmidori General Hospital, Yokohama General Hospital, Keiyu Hospital, Yokohama Asahi Central General Hospital, Higashi-Totsuka Memorial Hospital, Totsuka Kyoritsu No.1 Hospital, Totsuka Kyoritsu No.2 Hospital, and Koshinkai Shiomidai Hospital
- Pediatric departments: Saiseikai Yokohamashi Tobu Hospital, Yokohama Municipal Citizen's Hospital, Yokohama Rosai Hospital, Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital, National Hospital Organization Yokohama Medical Center, Minato Red Cross Hospital, and Saiseikai Yokohamashi Nanbu Hospital

*Telephone services are only available in Japanese.

Where to inquire
ContentContact details

About Night-time Emergency Medical Centers
About Holiday Emergency Clinics
About after-midnight emergency care

Emergency and Disaster Medical Care Section, Medical Policy Division, Medical Care Bureau (*Inquiries in Japanese only)
Tel: 045-671-3932
Fax: 045-664-3851

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Page ID:801-245-275