- Top page
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- For居民自治(住在横滨的人)
- English
- Disaster Preparedness and Emergencies(防灾・急救)
- Calling紧急Service(紧急通报)
Main content starts here.
Last updated date:2025/1/28
Calling the police on 110 (to report incidents/accidents)
If you are involved in or witness an incident or accident, please remain calm and call the police on 110.
- When you dial, you do not need to include the area code (045).
- You can call from cell phones, public telephones and land lines.
- If you spot something suspicious, please report it to your nearest Koban (police box).
Please take steps to protect yourself from everyday crime
Steps you can take to protect yourself from bag snatching
- Carry your bag on the opposite side to the road (on the side of your body facing buildings).
- Cover your bicycle basket with a net.
Steps you can take to protect your bicycle or motorcycle from theft
- Use multiple locks on your bicycle (2 or more).
- Do not leave your bicycle or motorcycle at the side of the road, but park it in a managed bicycle parking lot, etc.
Steps you can take to protect yourself from burglary
- Make sure to lock your door, even if you are only stepping out for a moment to leave our your garbage, etc.
- Make sure to lock your windows, even for verandahs located on the second floor of above.
- Another effective measure you can take is to install security devices such as security cameras.
Steps you can take to protect yourself from sexual assault
- At night, always keep to busy and well-lit streets, even if this means having to go out of your way.
- Do not walk while using your smartphone or listening to music on earphones, as you will be unable to hear anything and will be unaware of your surroundings, thus posing a danger to yourself and others.
Steps you can take to protect yourself from fraud
- Set your home phone to answerphone mode and do not pick up the phone until the message plays.
- If the subject of money is brought up during your telephone call, consult with someone around you straightaway or call your nearest police station or ward office.
- Ignore postcards or emails with requests for payment for services you have never used.
How to call 119
About the 119 number
119 is the telephone number you should call to contact your nearest fire station in the event of an emergency. Please call this number if you witness a fire, accident, disaster, etc., or when you require an ambulance.
Even if you do not speak Japanese, you can call to report an incident by requesting to be put through to an interpretation service. This service involves a three-way call between the caller (you), the fire department (119), and an interpreter.
(The languages available through this service are English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish.)
It does not cost anything to phone 119 and call a fire engine or ambulance.
Calling 119 from a land line or a public telephone
When calling to report an incident, please remain calm and answer the operator's questions clearly.
Example 119 telephone call
You: Dial 119
Operator: You have reached the fire service at 119. Are you reporting a fire or an emergency?
You: It's a fire (kaji)! (It's an emergency (kyukyu)!)
Operator: What is the address (current location) where you require a fire engine (ambulance)?
(When answering, also give the name of the apartment building.)
You: I am at... (give the full address in Japanese, including the apartment name and room number, street number, block, ward).
Operator: What is on fire? (Who is hurt or sick and what is wrong?)
*You may also be asked whether the person who is injured or sick is conscious, able to talk, breathing, able to walk, etc., so please answer as simply as possible.
Operator: Please tell me you name and the number of the telephone you are currently using.
Operator: A fire engine (ambulance) will be with you shortly.
- Please unlock the door to your home and wait until the ambulance arrives.
- When calling 119, you may be asked a series of questions to help provide the fire crew (ambulance crew) with the necessary information. Please answer these to the best of your ability.
- If possible, when you hear the vehicle's siren, please go outside and show the crew where to go.
- The questions you are asked when you call to request an ambulance help the emergency services decide who to dispatch etc. according to the nature of the person's injuries or illness.
Calling 119 from a cell phone
Please follow the same procedures as a land line or public telephone when calling 119 from a cell phone or similar device. However, in addition please pay attention to the following requests.
- Please unlock the door to your home and wait until the ambulance arrives.
- Please call from a land line or public telephone if the signal is poor.
- Please do not call while driving a car etc. Please pull over in a safe place before calling.
- Please confirm the address where the incident has occurred before calling. (If you do not know the address or you are outside, ask a nearby person and then call, or give the operator information on surrounding landmarks, such as an intersection, bus stop, store, large building, public facility, etc.)
- In some cases, the City of Yokohama Fire Bureau may not be able to receive your call if the signal is poor or depending on your location. In the event you are able to get through to someone other than the City of Yokohama Fire Bureau, if the fire or emergency is within Yokohama City, please begin by telling the person on the line that your address is in Yokohama City, and then give the rest of the address.
How to make a 119 call if you have hearing or speech difficulties
If you are unable to talk over the phone due to hearing or speech difficulties or similar reasons, you can make a 119 call using the following three methods.
- Net119 Emergency Call System
- FAX119
- Telephone Relay Service
Net119 Emergency Call System
Net119 Emergency Call System allows people living, working or studying in Yokohama City who would have difficulty making a 119 call over the phone to request an ambulance or fire engine using simple button operations on a smartphone or other portable device.
Main features of Net119
- You can select the nature of your call (medical emergency or fire) simply by tapping.
- The service's GPS allows the fire service to rapidly pinpoint your location, even when you are away from home.
- The service's chat function enables smooth communication.
How to register
First, please read the Net119 Emergency Call System Terms of Use.
Things to prepare before registration
- Smartphones, tablets, and cell phones must be registered from the device used for reporting.
- Please change your settings to allow emails from the "@city.yokohama.jp" "web119.info" domain.
For smartphone and tablet users
Please send an email by scanning the QR code below.
If you cannot scan the QR code, please type "entry_14100@entry05.web119.info" directly into the email address field
and send the email.
Registration procedures, reporting procedures, and various settings
[For new users] How to cancel your domain name(PDF:570KB)(Japanese)
①Overview of NET119(PDF:169KB)(Japanese)
②Instructions for registration(Smartphone)(PDF:1,261KB)(Japanese)
②Instructions for registration(Cell phone)(PDF:1,199KB)(Japanese)
③How to practice reporting incidents(Smartphone)(PDF:1,467KB)(Japanese)
③How to practice reporting incidents(Cell phone)(PDF:1,131KB) (Japanese)
④Reporting incidents(Smartphone)(PDF:1,259KB)(Japanese)
④Reporting incidents(Cell phone)(PDF:1,319KB)(Japanese)
⑤Procedures for changing your phone model(Smartphone)(PDF:1,554KB)(Japanese)
⑤Procedures for changing your phone model(Cell phone)(PDF:1,387KB)(Japanese)
Please follow these instructions for contacting 119 via fax. The fax number is 119, the same as the phone number.
When reporting an incident by fax, please make sure to write down the necessary details, such as the address to which an ambulance or fire engine should be dispatched and the name of the person concerned, as well as the age, sex, current condition, etc. of the person who is sick or injured.
You will be able to report an incident quicker if you fill out your address and other information on the fax report sheet in advance.
FAX119 Report Sheet (Japanese)
Please bear in mind the following when reporting an emergency using FAX119.
- Please unlock the door to your home and wait until the ambulance arrives.
- Once the control room receives your fax, it will send a reply acknowledging receipt of your fax.
- If you do not receive a reply from the control room acknowledging receipt of your fax, re-send the fax or show the fax sheet to a nearby person.
The FAX119 service is only available for faxes sent from within Yokohama City. Please check with your municipality on how to use this service outside of Yokohama City.
Telephone Relay Service
The Telephone Relay Service enables deaf or hard-of-hearing persons and persons with speech difficulties to communicate with someone on the other end of the line by making a call through a sign language interpreter operator or other means.
In addition to outgoing calls to general telephones, as of July 1, 2021, this service can also be used for emergency calls (110, 119, 118).
Procedures for calling 119 via the Telephone Relay Service
- Launch the app and log in.
- Tap the emergency call button and select "119 (fire/emergency)." (Alternatively, dial "119")
- Tell the interpreter operator the location where assistance is required (The fire department to be called depends on the location of the requested assistance. Therefore, be sure to tell the operator the location where assistance is required first.)
- When the interpreter operator and the fire department are connected on the phone, talk to the fire department staff through the interpreter. (The fire department staff will confirm the location and ask you about the situation. Please answer calmly.)
- When the call is over, tap "End".
For more information on the Telephone Relay Service, please visit the following website.
Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Designated Telephone Relay Service Provider
Nippon Foundation Telephone Relay Service
Content | Contact details |
About crime prevention | Community Crime Prevention Support Division, Civic Partnership Promotion Department, Civic Affairs Bureau Tel: 045-671-3705 |
About 119 emergency services | Command and Control Division, Fire Suppression Department, Fire Bureau (*Inquiries in Japanese only) Tel: 045-334-6412 Fax: 045-334-6720 Email: sy-shirei@city.yokohama.jp |
Page ID:780-067-872